Recitation and memorization are two methods for boosting cognitive function in children. Learning Slokas fosters positivism and assists in self-harmonization with a healing effect on the soul and body. In addition to the above benefits, chanting slokas stimulates the mind, improves focus, and sharpens rhythmic breathing techniques. Regular sloka practice enhances their ability perform better. As their memory can quickly retain everything, children can acquire shlokas at a very young age and promote the great values that we learn in this culture.

By valuing traditions and customs and keeping in mind the aforementioned, Oshwal Academy Nairobi Nursery has designed the Shlok Recitation Competition for students aged 3 to 7 years old on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4th February 2023. This competition is Open to All children in Nairobi and around. Students from other schools are welcome to participate and gain greatly from it. I insist to put the skills and abilities to use and succeed with flying colours.   

Hurry to enroll.